Online safety and social media: TikTok, YouTube and Instagram

When:  Mar 12, 2024 from 12:25 to 13:00 (ET)
Associated with  Parents & Carers Community

This webinar is presented by the eSafety Commissioner and provides an overview of managing different functions of social media, including chat and privacy settings, as well as positive conversations about social media use, managing content and reporting negative online experiences.
It’s suitable for parents and carers of children and young people in primary and early secondary school.

Presented by:

Greg Gebhart
Senior Trainer, eSafety Commissioner

Greg Gebhart is one of Australia’s leading online safety presenters, having provided presentations to more than 1.2 million participants at state, national and international events. He has a strong background in leadership and change and has held several senior positions, including Regional Manager for the Victorian Industry and Education Partnerships program.

He has received national and international awards for his passion to lead education and technology change and been listed in a who’s who of people that have shaped Australia.

