Support the Anglican Church in Papua New Guinea to Equip its People

This year, ABM AID’s Martyrs Appeal seeks to raise funds for much-needed parish-level training conducted by the Anglican Church of Papua New Guinea.


“One woman, Esther*, was so keen to attend the training. Because she could not read or write, we provided a mentor, and she was also assisted by other participants”, said Annsli Kabekabe of a recent training run by the Anglican Church of Papua New Guinea (ACPNG).

By supporting ABM AID’s 2023 Martyrs Appeal, much-needed training in the Anglican Alliance’s Agents of Change course will take place in Anglican parishes across Papua New Guinea. This course gives people skills and knowledge to undertake locally led development. The church wants to train people in their parishes, people like Esther, for the development challenges the church faces in the 21st century.

Members of Kavieng Deanery (New Guinea Islands Diocese) who recently participated in the training, were very happy with what they had learnt.

One participant, Matthew, from St Francis’ parish, said, “The Agents of Change face-to-face training was very informative and helpful.

“The course has helped us to identify available assets/resources within our community and to use these assets to better our wellbeing, physically as well as spiritually. This training to me is a life changing course that every Anglican must do to live better lives using our own resources.
“I would recommend for other diocese, deaneries and parishes to take up the Agents of Change Course and also be sensitised on the Safeguarding policies that the church has developed to safeguard us in Gender issues, Disability, Prevention of Sexual Exploitation Abuse and Harassment and Child Protection.”

People have been very enthusiastic about this training, which also includes key policy dissemination and learning about the “Jesus-Shaped Life” promoted by the Anglican Communion. “Jesus-Shaped Life” is an interpretation of the Five Marks of Mission for Discipleship, which includes the fifth mark, “Strive to safeguard the integrity of creation, and sustain and renew the life of the earth. Live responsibly and creatively on earth. Care for the whole of creation.”

The New Guinea Martyrs died in support of a Church which was addressing the challenges of the mid-20th century.

This Martyrs Day, you can support the Church in Papua New Guinea in its efforts to equip its people with the skills and knowledge to address the development challenges of the 21st century.

*Not her real name.


We hope to raise $64,000.

This appeal is tax-deductible.


Almighty and everlasting God
We give you thanks and praise
for the ministry of the Anglican Church of Papua New Guinea.

Urged on by the love shown to them by you,
and by the Martyrs of New Guinea,
may those involved with the Agents of Change course
help to transform lives
and bring hope to communities
throughout the country.

May the life of your Son
and the example it gives us all
help to shape the lives of those
who turn to you in faith,
so that those lives
can be seen and said to be truly

This we ask in the holy Name of Jesus,
who with you and the Spirit
lives in glory for ever.


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