MAT logo.png


12 to 16 of ARPIL 2021

The MAT Program is an active modality that combines the principles of mental wellbeing and emotional regulation with those of therapeutic martial art training techniques, games, metaphors and stories.    

Its format engages and empowers young people to learn life skills, and to better manage the challenges in their lives. 

Bayside City Council has sponsored two 5 day holiday programs for young people from the ages of 10 to 12 and 13 to 15 years old.

Sessions will take place in the Highett Neighbourhood Centre located at 2 Livingstone Street, Highett.


Thank you for your interest.


Dates and Times - april 2021


Young People Sessions

The 1 hour sessions for young people will use a combination of physical exercises, games and therapeutic martial arts techniques to teach strategies on resilience, emotional regulation, respectful relationships and active mindfulness.

An example of a session can be seen here:

example session.png

For more information about our Program please visit the LIFE SKILLS and IMPACT sections of this website.

Parent’s Workshop

The 1 hour workshop is designed to share with the parents the strategies and therapeutic frameworks used in our program in order to communicate its values as well as to support the mental and emotional health of their children.

Key topics of the workshop can be seen here:

workshop topics.png

Download our printable flyer here!