anglican focus

The news site of the Anglican Church Southern Queensland: nourishing and connecting our faith community

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Event listing

If you are an Anglican Church Southern Queensland Parish or Ministry and you would like to request a free listing of a key event under ‘Events’, please submit this online form.

If you are an Anglican Church Southern Queensland School or Education and Care Service (ECS) and you would like to request a free listing of a key event under ‘Events’, please submit this online form.

Job listing

If you are an Anglican Church Southern Queensland Parish/Ministry/Organisation and you would like to request a free listing for a paid role under ‘Jobs’, please submit this online form.

If you are an Anglican Church Southern Queensland Parish/Ministry/Organisation and you would like to request a free listing for an unpaid/voluntary role under ‘Jobs’, please submit this online form.

If you are an Anglican Church Southern Queensland School or Education and Care Service (ECS) and you would like to request a free listing for paid and unpaid/voluntary roles under ‘Jobs’, please submit this online form.

Announcement listing

Announcements about clergy appointments and commissionings are automatically advertised.

For announcements about retirements or anniversaries (i.e. church anniversaries and ordination/appointment anniversaries), please submit this online form.

For announcements relating to Anglican Church Southern Queensland Schools or Education and Care Service (ECS), please submit this online form.

Web banner advertising enquiries

For Anglican Church Southern Queensland School and Education and Care Service (ECS) web banner advertising enquiries, please email Kerryn at the Anglican Schools Commission.

For all other web banner advertising enquiries, please email Michelle at anglican focus for more information.

Advertising events and other initiatives via feature content

To advertise Anglican Church Southern Queensland events and other initiatives through feature content, please email Michelle at anglican focus for more information.