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When Menopause Messes with Mood - a catalyst for depression


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About this education

Around 80% of women in Australia will experience symptoms of menopause. 50% of women in their 50’s get significant symptoms; 20% get moderate or severe hot flushes or night sweats. Only 15-20% of women are on effective treatment for their symptoms.

The overwhelming majority of Australian women experiencing menopausal symptoms will be managed exclusively by their GP. Despite the findings of the Women’s Health Initiative of 2002 now being largely rebuffed for its design imperfections, the negative views of menopausal hormonal therapy (MHT) and overstated risks of adverse effects endure in many health practitioners.

Without the proactive and clinically up-to-date treatment via general practitioners, many Australian women face the prospect of a menopause experience with inadequate access to appropriate therapies.
Moreover, while mood symptoms are listed on the Menopause Symptoms Checklist, there is poor recognition and acceptance of the emerging evidence that the menopause can cause depressive illness in its own right, including in women who have never before had a mood disorder.

A paradigm shift in thinking about mood symptoms in menopausal women is needed- to understand the cognitive and emotional effects of oestrogen deficiency and to offer women appropriate and targeted therapies.


Demonstrate a framework for assessing menopausal symptom severity and for providing advice to women on options for optimal management.


List the physical, cognitive and psychiatric symptoms of menopause.

By the end of this activity, you will be able to:


Summarise current evidence regarding the efficacy and safety of MHT and non-hormonal therapies for menopause symptoms.


Describe the hormonal, physiological and neuro-psychiatric bases for the symptoms of menopause.


Outline the effects of menopause on women’s cognitive and psychological health, including its capacity to induce menopausal depression.

Learning Outcomes

Obstetrician, Gynaecologist and Fertility Specialist
General Practitioner & Medical Educator. MBBS(Hons), FRACGP,
GradCertClinTeach, MPH, GAICD

Dr Anita Muñoz

Education Steering Committee

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This was an excellent outline of dyslipidaemia management by both presenters. The best on the subject that I have been to in the last 2 years. Clear, concise and useful.

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Activity ID: 31110

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This medical education activity has been approved for 1.5 CPD hour with: 

Activity ID: 590223

Activity ID: 694

Continuing Professional Development (CPD) Details

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  • General Practitioner (RACGP)
  • General Practitioner (ACRRM)
  • General Practitioner (AMA)
  • Other Specialist
  • Allied Health including Nurses
  • IMG
  • Other
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Praxhub would like to acknowledge Orion Pharma for its support of this education. The sponsor has provided no input into the content of this activity.

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