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Training for schools

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Principals and NAPLAN coordinators are responsible for ensuring that their school’s test administrators are prepared for and trained in administering the online NAPLAN tests.

Training provides school staff with the information and tools they need to prepare for and manage test sessions. This includes:

  • understanding how disability adjustments work in the platform
  • how to manage unexpected events.

All staff involved with administering NAPLAN are strongly encouraged to engage with training early in Term 1 before the tests in March.

Register for live online training sessions

Sessions will be available from Tuesday 6 February to Monday 11 March via Teams.

Download the NAPLAN 2024 training schedule (PDF, 2 pages, 162KB) to see all available sessions and register for a training session via the Humanitix links.

To register for a training session, follow a link in the training schedule to complete registration via Humanitix.

Live online training types

Interactive sessions and webinars are available for staff involved in the administration of NAPLAN.

New to online NAPLAN

These interactive sessions are tailored for specific roles. Participants can ask questions and complete practical activities with experienced trainers. NAPLAN coordinators should attend both sessions:

  • NAPLAN coordinators (3 hours)
  • NAPLAN test administrators (2 hours).


Four webinars are available for staff involved in the administration of NAPLAN:

  • Update webinar – NAPLAN coordinator’s role (1 hour)
  • Update webinar – NAPLAN test administrator’s role (1 hour)
  • NAPLAN protocols (1 hour)
  • NAPLAN disability adjustments (1 hour).

The NAPLAN coordinator and NAPLAN test administrator update webinars are recommended for staff who have previously attended training, to ensure their knowledge is up to date.

eLearning modules (self-paced)

eLearning modules will be available on NESA learning from the start of Term 1.

The modules are useful for reinforcing content covered in the live online training sessions and for supplementing in-school training of staff.

  • Module 1: NAPLAN overview – includes principal’s responsibilities (30 minutes)
  • Module 2: NAPLAN coordinator’s role – includes technical preparation (45  minutes)
  • Module 3: NAPLAN test administrator’s role (45 minutes).

NAPLAN coordinators should complete all 3 modules.

The NAPLAN training environment

The NAPLAN training environment is a replica of the NAPLAN test environment. It is used for training and familiarising staff and students with the platform.

The NAPLAN training environment is an invaluable resource to:

  • support the training of NAPLAN coordinators and test administrators
  • provide opportunities for staff to consolidate their skills and build confidence with mock student data
  • provide opportunities for students to experience the tools and functions of the test, including the log in process.

A NAPLAN welcome pack containing login details for the NAPLAN training environment was delivered to schools at the start of Term 1.

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