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COVID-19 has disrupted our way of life, forced rapid change and new ways of doing things. We have a choice: to go back to ‘business as usual’ or to boldly create a stronger, thriving Tasmania.

The first Thriving Tasmania virtual conversation was held in June 2020 open to Tasmanians of all backgrounds and ages to reflect on what COVID-19 has shown us and what is important to us to emerge and thrive. 140 Tasmanians came together full of energy, ideas and dreams to share their wishes for recovery and beyond.

Thriving Tasmania:

  • Showed how we can use technology in a new way of engaging our community using a collaborative, strengths-based approach.

  • Provided a moment in time to connect Tasmanians to lift their sights to a shared future horizon providing a sense of togetherness, optimism and agency as we more forward.

What we co-created:

The SUMMARY document pulls together our ideas, dreams and wishes about what is important to us to emerge and shape a thriving Tasmania.

The VIDEO is a snapshot of our Thriving Tasmania conversation.


Common factors is what emerged stronger


What’s next?

What we will do is share the summary document with the Premier and the Chair of the Premier’s Economic and Social Recovery Advisory Council and request a meeting with them to discuss the outcomes; and, take forward the priorities into the Tasmanian Way process to facilitate a state-wide response to the UN2030 Sustainable Development Goals.

What’s next is up to you. We hope you will continue to talk and share your wishes, priorities and actions into your businesses, organisations, communities and households to contribute to a stronger, thriving Tasmania.

You can help to keep the conversation going:

  • Share about your ideas, wishes and dreams with us on social media @TasmanianWay

  • Sign up to the Tasmanian Way mailing list to stay up to date on future events and follow us on Facebook

  • Contribute to the Tasmanian Way to help continue to connect Tasmanians into the conversation to shape our future and facilitate a Tasmanian response to the UN 2030 Sustainable Development Goals.

Welcome to Country


Dewayne Everettsmith

Dewayne is a palawa man descendant from both the community of Cape Barren Island Tasmania and gunai / kurnai people of Victoria. In 2007 he graduated with his Cert III in Aboriginal Primary Health Care (Aboriginal Health Worker) and has since actively played many roles within his community. Recognised with a Human Rights Week award - for bringing Tasmanian Aboriginal culture and language to the broader community, educating children and working to protect his Aboriginal heritage. Dewayne continues his role within his community with the Tasmanian Aboriginal Centre as the Cultural Awareness Coordinator delivering cultural awareness training and is passionate about the revival and continuation of language (palawa kani), especially in the area of songs for ceremony and dance. One of those rare performers with a gift, a presence, Dewayne simply tells his story


Meet the Team

Thriving Tasmania is hosted by the Tasmanian Way with DisruptiveCo. and the Wellbeing Hub. The Team came together during the COVID-19 isolation asking what could we do to help Tasmanians to shape a stronger, thriving future for our island home.

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Jessica Robbins

Founder and Director | Tasmanian Way

Jess is a big picture thinker, natural connector and passionate about what makes her island home special. With over ten years working globally on island sustainability and partnerships, Jess is focused on how to nurture greater collaboration - from community to private sector and government - to work together toward common goals and a unified vision.


Rikki Mawad

Rikki is positive, strategic and solutions-focused. She is a skilled facilitator, effective communicator and experienced relationship manager.

She loves working with people, whole systems and tackling wicked problems. Her background in law, law reform, conflict resolution, politics, policy, education, communications and advocacy ensure her advice, ideas and insights are in high demand. Rikki is an Advisor and Facilitator for the Tasmanian Way.

Anna Tayler

Anna Taylor

Founder | The Wellbeing Hub

Working with people-centred leaders, Anna works with the whole system to measure, design and deliver tailored wellbeing strategies that leverage off a system's strengths. Drawing upon the latest tools, research and methodologies from the fields of Positive Psychology, Appreciative Inquiry and Wellbeing, Anna supports you to help build wellbeing confidence, motivation and capabilities at all levels of the system. Using a whole-system approach, Anna involves all voices and ideas to propel organisations into a future they want to see... chaos, fun and magic are guaranteed!


Georgia Currant

Facilitator | Disruptive Co
Georgia works to support effective change from a system-wide perspective. Her exposure to all aspects of business, through her ten years of work within the tourism/hospitality sector, has shaped her understanding and ability to lead effective change programs. She is known for her flexibility, adaptability and her willingness to collaborate with others. This skill set helps facilitate the expansion of mindsets and the generation of viable, difference-making, creative options. She is dedicated to nurturing the growth of innovation, collaboration, and emotional intelligence within organisations and individuals. Her ever-expanding curiosity has informed the direction of her current work and studies in Psychological Science. Georgia spent the majority of her childhood in the mountains of Tasmania and is most at home in the wild..


Katy Cooper

Founder | Disruptive Co.

Katy is an Evangelical Tasmanian. She is obsessed with bringing people together to create a lasting and sustainable future for my family and every other Tasmanian. She is passionate about helping people with ideas bring them to life.

Katy is a connector and a collaborator. She is a fire starter. Don't keep wishing it might happen. Let her help you make it a reality.


Thank you to our supporters

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