Waymouth Street/Topham Mall Intersection Footpath Renewal

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What are we doing at the intersection of Waymouth Street and Topham Mall?

The City of Adelaide have been looking into ways to improve the pedestrian movement and connectivity at the intersection of Waymouth Street and Topham Mall. To achieve this, we are creating a fit for purpose footpath and compliant access ramps. Options have been considered to achieve the intersection vision for the long-term operation, to balance and improve pedestrian access, and to cater for increased people movements expected due to the recent street upgrade and other major developments within the area.

With our current concept, the entrance into Topham Mall Carpark will be impacted. The proposed changes would result in the two-lane entrance being reduced into one lane. This will allow for a wider pedestrian landing on the footpath on both the North-West and North-East side of Waymouth Street.

This is yet to be designed; however, we intend for it to be a streamline process with construction starting this financial year. Once the design has been finalised, we will continue to provide regular updates to directly impacted stakeholders to ensure minimal impact prior and during construction.

What are we doing at the intersection of Waymouth Street and Topham Mall?

The City of Adelaide have been looking into ways to improve the pedestrian movement and connectivity at the intersection of Waymouth Street and Topham Mall. To achieve this, we are creating a fit for purpose footpath and compliant access ramps. Options have been considered to achieve the intersection vision for the long-term operation, to balance and improve pedestrian access, and to cater for increased people movements expected due to the recent street upgrade and other major developments within the area.

With our current concept, the entrance into Topham Mall Carpark will be impacted. The proposed changes would result in the two-lane entrance being reduced into one lane. This will allow for a wider pedestrian landing on the footpath on both the North-West and North-East side of Waymouth Street.

This is yet to be designed; however, we intend for it to be a streamline process with construction starting this financial year. Once the design has been finalised, we will continue to provide regular updates to directly impacted stakeholders to ensure minimal impact prior and during construction.