Our Strategic Pou

Our Pou reflect our priority areas. We use them as a lens to inform our thinking and decision making.

Understanding our Strategic Pou


Strategic Pou One




Strategic Pou Two





Strategic Pou Three



Māori Succeeding as Māori

In its simplest form Professor Mason Durie describes the phrase "Māori succeeding as Māori" as “Māori being able to have access to te ao Māori, the Māori world – access to language, culture, marae… tikanga... and resources”. Professor Mason Durie, (2003). 

Within Emerge Aotearoa we believe in the importance of Māori having sovereignty over their destination in order to achieve Tino Rangatiratanga and success as defined by Māori. This is not a destination that is determined by others, it’s a destination that Māori have authored themselves.


Lived Experience and Diversity

are Privileged

There are many kinds of privilege that exist in society such as education, gender, race, age and sexual orientation. Generally, those who experience privilege are asked for their opinions, included, encouraged to participate and sought out. At Emerge Aotearoa, we privilege peoples experience of mental health, disability, discrimination, addictions, trauma and homelessness to name a few, as well as diversity. Having diverse people with diverse experiences participate actively in decision making, represented at all levels of our organisation and sought out for their experience is central to all that we do.


Thriving Pacific peoples

In crafting our strategic pou we took into consideration what the wider Pacific community was seeking to achieve and considered how the Group could support these endeavours. There was a theme, and this was summarised by The Ministry for Pacific Peoples as “we are thriving”. Emerge Aotearoa’s interpretation of Thriving Pacific Peoples is that our Pacific Communities will be thriving when the languages and cultures are embraced, Pacific youth are confident, resilient, contributing to and shaping their future, and Pacific communities are healthy and prosperous. The Pacific story has shifted from one of migration to one of belonging in Aotearoa and Emerge Aotearoa supports the vision of our Pacific communities.