Group of students chatting on grass oval
31 Oct 2023

The official consultation period has closed, but we welcome your feedback anytime.

The Australian National University (ANU) is committed to being a leader in sustainability within the higher education sector. To this end, we have established a Sustainability Division, dedicated to implementing a comprehensive sustainability approach based on the globally recognised Environmental, Social and Governance (ESG) principles. 

The Sustainability Division will serve as the central hub for coordinating and guiding sustainability efforts across ANU. It will oversee the Below Zero Program aimed at achieving below–zero carbon emissions, and in partnership with responsible officers' support and contribute to a range of current sustainability initiatives ensuring the University's operations align with our sustainability goals. 

Incorporating these principles into our operations will enhance both our teaching and research capabilities. The new Sustainability Division will provide a platform for communicating transdisciplinary research on sustainability, attracting external funding and elevating the University’s reputation as a leading research institution. By continuing to communicate our efforts to integrate ESG principles into our curriculum, the University can demonstrate how we equip our students with the knowledge and skills to address complex sustainability challenges. 

Establishing this cohesive Sustainability approach, supported by the new Division, is a small but strategically valuable investment in our future. There is no intent to create a new service delivery arm of ANU, but rather to work with the existing areas of the University that are already making endeavours towards a more sustainable future. It aligns with the University’s commitment to creating a sustainable and inclusive future, ensuring our continued relevance and leadership in a rapidly changing world.  

As a member of the ANU community, you are invited to share your feedback about the proposed approach highlighting concerns, comments and ideas to improve the overall ANU approach to sustainability.  

What can I do?

  1. Read the draft Green Paper for Sustainability at ANU - access full document here (PDF, 2,289 KB)
  2. Share your knowledge of sustainability activities at ANU, ask questions and provide feedback via the consultation opportunities listed below.

How can I contribute feedback?

  • Attend one of the three virtual feedback sessions listed below
    • Tuesday 7 November 10am - 11.30am - *
    • Wednesday 22 November 10.30am - 12pm - *
    • Thursday 14 December 2pm - 3.30pm - *
  • Provide written feedback


Key dates

Consultation period
31 October - 15 December 2023
