Exeter Public School Presents...

The Bell

A podcast run by kids, for kids and the big kids at heart

So Why is the Podcast Called 'The Bell’?

The Exeter Public School bell is more than just a piece of metal - it is a tangible connection to the past, a symbol of tradition and a reminder of the importance of education. For many students, the sound of a school bell ringing is a familiar and comforting sound, marking the start and end of classes, and signaling the passing of time throughout the school day.

But when that bell has a history, when it has been a part of a school community for many years, it takes on a deeper significance. It becomes a link between past and present and is a way to honor the generations of students who have passed through the school grounds in years gone by.

Our school bell also serves as a powerful teaching tool, helping students to understand and appreciate the history of our school and our community. It inspires them to take pride in our school and to work hard to uphold its legacy. For this reason, our School podcast is called the Bell

About Us

Exeter Public School, located at 47-59 School Lane in Exeter, New South Wales, has a long and rich history dating back to the mid-19th century. The school was established in 1891 and originally served as a one-room schoolhouse for the children of the local farming community.

Over the years, the school has undergone many changes and renovations to keep up with the growing population of Exeter and the changing educational needs of its students. In the early 20th century, a new brick building was constructed to replace the original wooden schoolhouse, and in the 1960s, additional classrooms and facilities were added to accommodate a larger student body.

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Throughout its history, Exeter Public School has been known for its dedication to providing high-quality education to its students. The school has received numerous awards and accolades over the years for its academic achievements and its alumni have gone on to successful careers in a variety of fields.

Today, Exeter Public School remains a cornerstone of the local community, with a committed team of teachers that work together to ensure that every student receives the best possible education. The school continues to evolve and adapt to meet the needs of its students, while maintaining a proud tradition of excellence that stretches back more than 160 years.

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Episode Library

Listen to our very first podcast!

Special guests - Bryce and Amanda from Squiz Kids!

Find the easter egg in our show?

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Special Guests :

Olympic cyclist Brad McGee


Singer/songwriter and Exeter Teacher Miss Fin aka Georgia-Jean!

Welcome to the third episode of Exeter Public School's podcast! Get ready to listen to your favorite student-created segments and be part of our very first competition. Stick around until the end for an exclusive treat - the latest track 'Angelica Green' by Georgia-Jean. Join us now for a burst of creativity and talent from the young stars of NSW, Australia!

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