2 weeks | 12 units | *NEW INTAKE COMING SOON*

New intake coming soon!


Exclusive intake. Triple the pace

12 months access, zero pressure

Catch up at your own pace

Online community

Direct support from Dr Justin Coulson


Subscribe to Happy Families?

Course Tickets $149

PLUS get $210 in FREE bonuses!

Bonus #1 (value $35)

Exclusive Live Q&A

Less participants means more air time! 

Bonus 2 (value $35)

Parenting ADHD (eBook)

What is ADHD? What does an ADHD diagnosis mean for you and your child? How should we approach discipline and parenting with an ADHD child? 

This 33-page summary can be shared with family, friends, and carers to help them join you on the same positive parenting page.

Bonus 3 (value $35)

Parenting ADHD (Digital Workbook)

Key point breakdowns for each of your 12 units, along with an interactive workspace to complete your homework.

Bonus 4 (value $70)

ADHD Webinar Bundle

A parent's guide to raising a child with ADHD &

ADHD Answers A deeper look at the basic psychological needs of your ADHD child.

Bonus 5 (value $35)

A-doodle-H-D Printables for Kids


ADHD kids often concentrate BETTER when their body is in motion. Doodling is a great way to occupy busy hands. This printable breaks down simple doodles into 3 easy steps so that your child can get quick and easy wins with nothing but a pencil. This activity also introduces the idea of "task chunking." 

A-doodle-H-D Task Chunker  

Even small tasks can feel overwhelming for an ADHD child. This activity helps kids learn how to break tasks down into smaller, more achievable steps.   

Happy Helper Chore Chart  

Organisation doesn't come easily for ADHD kids. Use this visual chore chart to help keep your family routine on track, and with more tranquility.  

Understand your ADHD child so they can be their best.

Kids who exhibit ADHD symptoms may be more likely to:

Struggle academically at school.

Have a hard time making friends.

Battle with big emotions and behaviours.

Question their self-worth.

Struggle with family relationships

Parenting ADHD can mean some rough days. These are the moments that others usually see – and maybe even judge you or your child for. But some days, your child fills your cup so completely that your heart almost bursts, and you wish everyone else could see them the way you do.


Children with ADHD struggle with impulse control and behavioural regulation. This interrupts their otherwise healthy development and makes it more challenging to fit into a world that often doesn’t accommodate them. It can feel like a daily war. 

But you can help bring peace into their chaos. You can create an environment that supports your child, calms the chaos and moves them off the emotional battlefield and into a happy and balanced home.


We can show you how.

Subscribe to Happy Families?

Video Guides

12 short units, delivered over 2 weeks.

Digital Workbook

Integrate what you learn with homework and challenges.

Daily Reminders

To help you stay on track with the course and get it done in just 2 weeks.

Raising a child with ADHD can feel confusing, chaotic, and stressful. Life can feel like that for your ADHD child too.


To add to your struggle, everywhere you turn there are armchair experts offering unwanted advice. Pouring information overload onto an already exhausting day-to-day can leave you feeling overwhelmed and stuck in survival mode.


This twelve-module course will cut through the noise and zone in on the up-to-the-minute science on what ADHD really is, why it occurs and, most importantly, give you the tools to create a more balanced environment at home.

With the right tools, you can:

Feel confident using science-supported strategies

Develop a deeper connection with your ADHD child (and experience less challenging behaviour as a result)

Make space for more golden moments and stronger connections within your family

2 weeks | 12 units | *NEW INTAKE COMING SOON*

Subscribe to Happy Families?

Frequently Asked Questions

Have ADHD voices been included or consulted in the creation of this course?

Dr Justin has a child who has been diagnosed with ADHD, and the course content was co-created with Happy Families team member Evelynne Hatchard, who also has an ADHD diagnosis.

Evelynne has qualifications in communication and information design, specialising in social and emotional learning. She also has 42 years of lived ADHD experience and 18 years of experience parenting an ADHD child.


Will this be suitable for parents to watch with their children? 

This workshop is designed for parents. The content will be relatively safe for children, but it is not intended for them.


I'm a Happy Families Member. Do I get a discount? 

There are no additional discounts available at this time, you will however receive $175 worth of bonuses for FREE when you sign up today!

What is the cost?

The Parenting ADHD course is $149. Ticket sales close at midnight on Sunday, April 14th.

How does the course work?

The course launches Monday, April 15th. There will be 12 video modules available over 2 weeks (one module prompt will be sent every day). A bonus live Q&A session with Dr Justin will be held in the second week of the course. Alongside the videos, a digital workbook will be provided to give you weekly challenges and help you practice the principles covered. You'll also have access to $175 worth of additional ADHD bonuses!

How long will I have access to the course?

You will have 12 months access to the course, so you can catch up or re-watch at any time. We recommend staying on top of the modules each day when they are released and completing the course along the given timeline to get the most out of it. 


Will the course be run live?

No, the videos for each module are pre-recorded and will be made available upon purchase. The Q&A session with Dr Justin, however, will be run live during the second week of the course.


Who is this course for?

This event is for all parents and carers, regardless of their age or the age of their children.


About Dr Justin Coulson

Dr Justin Coulson is the co-host and parenting expert on Channel 9's Parental Guidance, the founder of happyfamilies.com.au, and one of Australia’s most trusted parenting experts.

Over the past decade, he has helped innumerable families with his 7 books about raising children, his hundreds of media appearances (including all of Australia’s major news outlets and even the Washington Post and the New York Times), and two viral videos that have been viewed a combined 80 million times!

Justin and his wife Kylie have been married since the late 1990s and are the parents of 6 daughters and grandparents to 1 granddaughter.

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