Mobile drip irrigation - Dragon Line

Join the PotatoLink team as we explore mobile drip irrigation in potatoes, where we will delve into the exciting world of this technology. The webinar is targeted to growers interested in learning more about ways to enhance watering efficiency to minimise costs, boost yields, and grow more sustainably.

Monty Teeter, inventor of dragon line, joined us from Kansas USA, to speak about the conditions that lead to Dragon Line.

Tetaan Henning from Eco Water Management will explain how mobile drip irrigation works and identify the ideal scenarios for its implementation.

Mark Heap from Simplot will share his valuable insights gained from using the technology in potato crops, highlighting his observed benefits such as reduced water consumption, energy usage, and fungicide application, as well as improved crop yields.

With La Niña mostly behind us, it's never too early to start thinking about irrigation and the next dry period. Hear about how mobile drip irrigation systems can save you 20-50% of water, the return on investment, and examples of the system being used for potato cultivation worldwide and in Australia

About the presenters

Mark Heap

Mark has worked as a potato agronomist and bio-scientist for 35 years, with the last 23 years with Simplot. His experience includes processing potato production in China, India, and Australia. In his current role as Bioscience Manager, Mark has contributed to new variety development, improved potato seed systems, and efficient use of water.

Tetaan Henning

Tetaan started Eco Water Management in 2018 to bring global innovative and environmentally friendly technologies to the agricultural industry here in Australia. Knowing as a farmer himself, water is a difficult commodity to manage due to the ever-changing climate issues we face today, so he set out to look for opportunities to save and store water in a sustainable way sustainably

Monty Teeter

Monty Teeter, developer and CEO of Dragon-Line, is a life long resident of the Southwest Kansas area. He has been a distributor, designer, and installer of center pivots for 40 plus years, and has experience in SDI (Sub-Surface Drip Irrigation) for 20 years. This experience of selling more than 3,500 pivots and hundreds of acres of SDI has allowed Monty to become proficient in understanding the technologies and benefits of both irrigation applications.


PotatoLink Podcast Episode 4: Investigating oxalis troubles in Tasmanian potato crops


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