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Hearing Care Anywhere
Remote programming just got better

Wednesday 14 October 2020, 1:00pm AEDT (Sydney/Melbourne)
3:00pm NZDT (New Zealand), 12:00pm AEST (Brisbane), 12:30pm ACDT (Adelaide), 10:00am AWST (Perth)

Pre-registration has now closed for this event but you are welcome to join us for our live stream:

Starkey’s Hearing Care Anywhere remote programming feature just got better.

We are excited to introduce Live Sessions, a new remote programming feature that leverages live video chat
to guide you and your patients through synchronous hearing aid adjustments and enable
remote care.

This session will provide an overview on how to set up the Hearing Care Anywhere dashboard
and how to use both the asynchronous and new synchronous remote programming
strategies through the Hearing Care Anywhere remote programming platform.


ACAud Endorsed: 202075 (2 CEP points)
AudA Endorsed: CPD2021 038 (Category 1.2) (1 CPD Point)
HAASA Endorsed: CPED2020-2021 (2020-044) (1.5 CPED Points)