Scientific Platforms- Bioinformatics Home

Welcome to the Bioinformatics Service at Westmead Research Hub


The bioinformatics service was established mid 2019 to offer bioinformatics support to hub researchers. With over 15 years of experience, we can offer support and/or advice for experimental design through to manuscript preparation for researchers.

We offer customised service for analysing genomics & cytometry data- from preprocessing to manuscript and grant preparation, some examples are listed in Services.

We also specialise in bespoke data visualisation and figure making, check out the images gallery for some examples.


We also offer targeted training in most common bioinformatics approaches, so if you want to learn the ins and out of some bioinformatics techniques or want to brush up on data manipulation or figure making, head over to WRH Bioinformatics Training Request and let us know what you want to do.


For Westmead Research Hub

  • Bioinformatic Services are cost recovered at $57.40 per hour spent working on your project

  • Training sessions cost $114.80 per hour and are tailored to your specific needs

For External Users

  • Bioinformatic Services are cost recovered at $80 per hour spent working on your project


To maintain the best possible service, Westmead Bioinformatics requires that services be fairly acknowledged in publications. Please see the acknowledgement section for details.


Reach out to Dr Brian Gloss (brian.gloss [at] to discuss what we can offer.