To establish a community owned, not-for-profit, food processing facility for Norfolk Island.

New Zealand
Land, Commerce and Logistics
To establish a community owned, not-for-profit, food processing facility for Norfolk Island. featured image

Norfolk Island is a remote, isolated external territory of Australia, located in the South Pacific. Our local, seasonal food is wonderful, but we either have a glut of something, or nothing. We have many micro producers of fresh produce, and outlets for them to sell their wares but nowhere to extend the life of our produce.

To reduce reliance on importing foods, we are looking to set up a community-owned, not-for-profit venture to purchase excess produce from large and micro producers and extend the shelf life, either through freezing, drying or bottling our local food when it is in abundance and providing it back to the community when fresh supplies are no longer available.

This Churchill Fellowship was the basis for our research into small-scale food processing in other places, and how and what can be applied and succesfully used on Norfolk Island


Rebekah Gupte

Rebekah Gupte


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