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Child Restraint Fitting/Adjustment Voucher Program

Child put in car seat

All children must be safely fastened in the correct child car seat for their age and size. A child who is properly secured in an approved child car seat is less likely to be injured or killed in a car crash than one who is not.

As part of the Local Government Road Safety Program, City of Parramatta Council and TfNSW run a free child restraint fitting/adjustment program which provides the opportunity for residents to obtain a voucher to have their child restraint fitted/adjusted for free by Council’s selected Transport for NSW (TfNSW) authorised fitter (subject to available funding, conditions apply). The voucher includes the installation of a gated buckle if required. Note if any other hardware such as extension straps or anchor bolts are needed, the customer is required to pay the additional cost to the fitter at the time of fitting.

Council & TfNSW’s child restraint fitting/checking program for 2023/2024 is now closed. Council’s website will be updated should the program recommence within the  2024/2025 financial year (subject to available funding and conditions apply).


The voucher is only redeemable through Council’s selected authorised fitter. You may redeem your voucher during the fitter’s opening hours at their premises in Seven Hills (no booking needed). The fitters details and hours will be on the issued voucher.

This fitter has limited mobile appointments available. However, you must be able to fit in with their schedule and you must book in advance with the fitter. Please note, the fitter is under no obligation to provide a mobile service.


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