We’re here to help!

The CPINZ team have helped thousands of people come to terms with and manage the chaos left over by meth use and manufacture. We understand the concerns this problem produces and we handle these concerns sensitively, professionally and with the aim of getting you to a position of certainty as quickly as we can with costs and expenses well managed!

We aim to strip out the ’mystery’ that can be associated with the meth industry and give you access to services which deliver what you need, when you need it.

The same pragmatic approach to dealing to the challenges associated with meth contamination is also taken to helping clients understand what they need to do to address the challenges asbestos containing material can present. Importantly, asbestos containing material that is in good condition, does not present a risk to health and well being!

Don’t panic. Let us take you through processes designed to get you quickly and efficiently to a point where you are clear on what steps need to be taken in order to put your property contamination challenge behind you.

Our Services

Once you have decontaminated
your property

Keep it that way!

Install a MethMinder


Who we are

CPINZ has been set up by people and organisations who have years of experience in dealing with MethAffected properties.

Its parent company MethSolutions was set up in 2012 to reduce the harm MethAffected property was causing people.  It provides access to low cost high quality, lab backed baseline meth sampling to support pre-purchase and on-going MethManagement of tenanted properties for Landlords and Property Managers;

CPINZ has been operating with a focus on MethAffected Property since 2015. We have helped drive the evolution of the industry that supports meth decontamination companies in their efforts to get the properties of what become mutual clients, back into a habitable state.

We will continue to apply our fresh thinking approach to other environmental challenges in the built environment, so that the harm caused to people is reduced and we can all lead happier and healthier lives.

Miles Stratford – Director

Miles has worked been involved with the MethRisk Management industry since 2010. In that time, he has heard too many stories of people buying and moving into the ‘dream home’ only to find it is a house of meth/P horrors!

Key service providers

All testing is carried out by an IANZ accredited laboratory who are independent and do not get involved with sampling property.  In this way, there is no risk of a conflicted interested when it comes to testing their own samples.

If you have a property affected by Meth Contamination it’s important to know

You’re not alone

Over 40% of all properties tested for Meth have a positive result.

The CPINZ team have helped thousands of people come to terms with and manage the chaos left over by meth use and manufacture.

You’re in good hands

Contact Details

CPINZ – Contaminated Property Investigations NZ

  • PO Box 58259, Botany, Auckland 2141
  • 0800 METH LAB/0800 6384 522 (free call within New Zealand)
  • 09 320 0864