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Journal Clubs

Would you like to discuss the evidence relevant to your daily clinical practice, share your experience, brush up your critical appraisal skills, earn points claimable for registrars’ supervision activities and other professional development points.

Join the other GP practices that we support in running regular chat to discuss evidence relevant to their practice “Journal Club”.

As a valued member of our network, we are delighted to be offering our JCs online as well as still being able to support you to run these events in your practice.  We will provide you with the best available evidence answering your clinical question, guidance on the appraisal and the interpretation of the research evidence, and tools to foster the implementation of the evidence into practice.  

Please join us by subscribing to our network for and educational and engaging JC, either online or F2F - we look forward to seeing you!


*NB: If there is a particular research question you would like to suggest for any of our JCs please contact us.

Upcoming Journal Clubs

Our next journal club is on Tuesday 21st of May via Zoom. Please click on the below image to take you to the Eventbrite for registration. 

GoldNet Research Online Journal Club Invite 21.05.24.jpg

If you have a topic you would like to discuss at a Journal Club, please contact us on

Previous Journal Clubs

Click on the links below for a summary or watch a replay of the journal club.

29 June 2023: Nicotine Vaping for Smoking Cessation

Nicotine Vaping for Smoking Cessation Journal Club Resource - Slides

12 October 2022: Weight Loss Interventions in Primary Care


7 April 2022: Lung Cancer Screening


Freeman D, et al. Effects of different types of written vaccination information on COVID-19 vaccine hesitancy in the UK (OCEANS-III): a single-blind, parallel-group, randomised controlled trial. Lancet Public Health. 2021 Jun;6(6):e416-e427. PMID: 33991482 doi:10.1016/S2468-2667(21)00096-7

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