Aboriginal Patient Advocacy Training

Health Consumers’ Council has partnered with the National Justice Project and The Aboriginal Health Council of WA to develop some training for organisations and workers who work with Aboriginal people, and Aboriginal community, to help support their clients and family, friends and community who are dealing with the health system.

The inequity and injustice that can confront Aboriginal people in our health system can lead to poorer health outcomes and health advocacy plays a big part in addressing these issues.

This training will help people gain a better understanding of the barriers and enablers for Aboriginal people in our health services and systems, a deeper understanding of health rights and the important role of health advocacy.

The training that we have developed focuses on:

  • Increase your understanding the barriers that can prevent Aboriginal people accessing equitable care
  • Developing a better understanding of the health system
  • Gaining a deeper understanding of health rights
  • Developing health advocacy skills so that you can better support Aboriginal clients
  • Learning about various complaints mechanisms and avenues for people
  • Self Care and Vicarious Trauma

If you would like to register your interest for future sessions, please contact Tania Harris, Aboriginal Engagement Coordinator, on tania.harris@hconc.org.au or 9221 3422.


Handouts – Mental Health Rights