Help create the North Wilton that you would love to live, work and play in

The North Wilton Precinct will eventually be home to over 15,000 people, with 5,600 new homes serviced by new shops, open spaces, community facilities and local jobs.

It's important that we plan and design a place that meets the needs of the whole community, both now and into the future. We want to create a North Wilton that aligns with the Project Vision that was created in consultation with the community.

The NSW Government released the North Wilton Precinct Structure Plan in 2018 (updated in 2023), which outlines the general configuration of land uses including where low and medium density housing, schools, commercial centres, major roads and major parks and fields will be located.

The NSW Government introduced Neighbourhood Plans to provide the next level of detail to guide progressive stages of development at North Wilton. Landcom has already prepared Neighbourhood Plan No.1, which covers the first four stages of the project.

We are commencing preparation of Neighbourhood Plan No. 2, which covers the remainder of the North Wilton Precinct.

Neighbourhood Plans are documents that guide development across part or all of a precinct. Specifically, they are used by Wollondilly Shire Council, through the creation of Development Control Plans, to assess future development applications.

Neighbourhood Plans build on the principles set out in Structure Plans and go into more detail. They can cover things like subdivision design, construction staging, location of car parking, proposed bus routes, picnic seating, pedestrian connections, trees, local roads and open space and water bodies.

These plans allow elected councils (and by extension, the community) to have direct input into the development of the area, and they provide an opportunity to secure commitment from developers to deliver infrastructure and other works.

When done well, Neighbourhood Plans help to create well considered, well planned places that serve the needs, wants and aspirations of existing and future communities.

I have ideas or knowledge I want to share. How can I have my say on Neighbourhood Plan No. 2?

We are interested in the community’s ideas about how to make North Wilton a great place to live, visit and enjoy.

In 2024 there will be opportunities for you to have your say and help us shape the Neighbourhood Plan No. 2. Engagement will explore how we can translate our vision for North Wilton that we finalised with community feedback into practical design principles and controls that will guide future development.

Please register your interest and contact details using the form below so that we can keep you informed.