Our Standards

TruckSafe’s standards align closely with the Master Code.

At the end of the day, complying with our TruckSafe Standards will assist you to comply with the Master Code and the CoR updates, providing your business with a strong ‘so far as is reasonably practicable’ defence. Our new standards are centred around the concept of risk assessment and management in the four core areas under CoR in the HVNL.

Industry customers and supply chains are increasingly looking to TruckSafe operators to ensure they meet their CoR obligations, with the knowledge that our accreditation standards meet all HVNL requirements.

TruckSafe accreditation enables you to verify to customers that you are reducing their risks through safe work practices, safe and well-maintained trucks, healthy drivers and sound management systems.

Please note TruckSafe will be transitioning from a prescriptive standards-based approach to a risk-based Safety Management System in 2024.


TruckSafe is structured around 7 core Standards:

Standard A - Business Management

Aimed at ensuring that trucking operators have a documented business system which covers each of the standards.

The following is an excerpt of the 2019 TruckSafe Standards for Standard A – Business Management:

A.1 Business Transport Activities

Your organisation must document its transport activities.

A.2 CoR Obligations by Position

Your organisation must identify where, under CoR laws, you are named as a party in the Chain of Responsibility, or you exercise control or influence over any transport task.

A.3 Authorities, Responsibilities and Duties

Your organisation must make sure that the authorities, responsibilities and duties of all the positions involved in the management, operation, administration, participation and verification of your risk management systems are current, clearly defined and documented.

A.4 Consultation, Cooperation and Coordination

Your organisation must document and implement a process for communication with relevant supply chain partners to achieve co-operation and co-ordination.

A.5 Primary Duty

Your organisation must identify the obligation the HVNL imposes on all CoR parties, as far as is reasonably practicable, to achieve an overall and positive duty of care.

A.6 Reasonably Practicable

Your organisation must document and implement the processes you will apply to ensure that your business has in-place controls.

A.7 Executive Due Diligence

Your organisation must document and implement the Executive Officer Due Diligence requirements.

A.8 Training Policies and Procedures

Your organisation must document and implement a training management system.

A.9 Driver Licences and Accreditations

Your organisation must develop and implement a system to make sure all drivers hold valid licences and accreditations.

A.10 Assurance (Reviews and Corrective Actions)

Your organisation must implement documented reporting and notification processes.

A.11 Business Practices

Your organisation must have written procedures to ensure compliance with the TruckSafe standards, incorporating CoR, HVNL and the Master Code.

A.12 Document Management

Your organisation must document and implement a management process that includes a system to uniquely identify and control currency of TruckSafe and HVNL related documents and records.

A.13 Contractor and Contract Management

Your organisation must document and implement policies and procedures to manage contractors.

Standard B - Risk Management

Aimed at ensuring trucking operators adopt a risk management approach in their business in line with the Master Code and HVNL.

The following is an excerpt of the 2019 TruckSafe Standards for Standard B – Risk Management:

B.1 Risk Management

Your organisation, as a party in the supply chain, must implement a risk-based approach to manage safety and ensure compliance with all requirements of the Master Code.

B.2 Risk Assessment

Your organisation must complete a risk assessment in the context of your business for all identified risks relating to the four (4) CoR areas of Speed, Fatigue, Mass, Dimension, Loading and Load Restraint, and Vehicle Standards (Maintenance).

B.3 Risk Management Communication

Your organisation must make your documented risk management process available to staff.

Standard C - Driver Health & Wellbeing

Aimed at ensuring drivers are fit and healthy, and that workplace health and safety requirements are being met.

The following is an excerpt of the 2019 TruckSafe Standards for Standard C – Driver Health & Wellbeing:

C.1 Driver Health Policy

Your organisation must document and implement a Driver Health Management policy.

C.2 Driver Health Management Procedures

Your organisation must document and implement a Driver Health Management process.

C.3 Fitness for Duty

Your organisation must document a Fitness for Duty Management Policy.

C.4 Drug & Alcohol Management

Your organisation must implement and maintain procedures for monitoring drivers’ fitness for duty, including implementing and maintaining a drug and alcohol policy.

C.5 Ensuring the Safety of Drivers

Your organisation must document how it meets its obligations so far as is reasonably practicable to ensure the safety of drivers.

Standard D - Speed Management

Aimed at ensuring trucking operators meet their Chain of Responsibility obligations for speed in line with the Master Code and HVNL.

The following is an excerpt of the 2019 TruckSafe Standards for Standard D – Speed Management:

D.1 Speed Management Policy

Your organisation must document and implement a Speed Management Policy.

D.2 Controls for Identified Risks in Speed Management

Your organisation must document and implement control measures to manage identified risks to Speed Management.

Standard E - Fatigue Management

Aimed at ensuring trucking operators meet their Chain of Responsibility obligations for fatigue in line with the Master Code and HVNL.

The following is an excerpt of the 2019 TruckSafe Standards for Standard E – Fatigue Management:

E.1 Fatigue Management Policy

Your organisation must document and implement a Fatigue Management Policy.

E.2 Controls for Identified Risks in Fatigue Management

Your organisation must document and implement control measures to manage identified risks to Fatigue Management.

Standard F - Mass, Dimension, Load, and Load Restraint Management

Aimed at ensuring trucking operators meet their Chain of Responsibility obligations for MDLR in line with the Master Code and HVNL.

The following is an excerpt of the 2019 TruckSafe Standards for Standard F – Mass, Dimension, Load, and Load Restraint Management:

F.1 Mass, Dimension, Loading and Load Restraint Policy

Your organisation must document and implement a Mass, Dimension, Load, and Load Restraint (MDLR) Policy.

F.2 Controls for Identified Risks in MDLR Management

Your organisation must document and implement control measures to manage identified risks to MDLR Management.

Standard G - Vehicle Standards (Maintenance) Management

Aimed at ensuring trucking operators meet their Chain of Responsibility obligations for vehicle maintenance in line with the Master Code and HVNL.

The following is an excerpt of the 2019 TruckSafe Standards for Standard G – Vehicle Standards (Maintenance) Management:

G.1 Vehicle Standards Management Policy

Your organisation must document and implement a Vehicle Standards Management Policy.

G.2 Controls for Identified Risks in Vehicle Standards (Maintenance) Management

Your organisation must document and implement control measures to manage identified risks to Vehicle Standards (Maintenance) Management.

G.3 Fuel Quality

(TruckSafe accredited members are eligible to claim fuel tax credits for pre-1996 heavy diesel vehicles from the ATO). Your organisation must ensure that fuel purchased for use in TruckSafe accredited vehicles is obtained from a reputable supplier.

G.4 Document Control and Record Keeping for Vehicle Standards (Maintenance) Management

Your organisation must document and implement a control system for Vehicle Standards (Maintenance) Management related documents.