Blue Lens
Chance P
Artist Statement
Chance P
Faded nature 2022
Camera-less photography
Cartridge paper and Gold Street Studio cyanotype chemical

This artwork is called Faded nature. I chose this artwork because it inspires me about the forgotten nature under all the pollution.
Amelia W
Artist Statement
Amelia W
Silent and still 2022
Camera-less photography
Canvas paper and Gold Street Studio cyanotype chemical

I chose to create my work inside and outside my workspace. I think it displays and presents nature and has the faded shadows of the sun.
Archie J
Artist Statement
Archie J
The human’s comfort 2022
Canvas paper

I chose very few objects because…
When you look at them from first glance and have hardly any thought towards them, there are almost no similarities at all. Until you think deeper; they’ve all been used by something living which concludes my title to be “the human’s comfort.”
Ava G
Artist Statement
Ava G
A Victorian dawn 2022
Camera-less photography
Canvas paper and Gold Street Studio cyanotype chemical

This artwork was made during the 2022 Drawing with light class. The work was inspired by a Victorian morning. The teacup represents waking up and making a fresh, warm cup of tea and the plants represent sitting at the window with the cup of tea looking at the beautiful nature outside. The perfume represents putting on makeup and perfume after the cup of tea while the lace is showing the lace off a dress.
Will C
Artist Statement
Will C
the finger 2022
Camera-less photography
Canvas paper and Gold Street Studio cyanotype chemical

I chose my objects because I use these things a lot. These things include a fork a feather and two wooden bowls.
Tristan CVT
Artist Statement
Tristan CVT
Rustic life 2022
Canvas paper and Gold Street Studio cyanotype chemicals

I picked these items because the glass pattern caught my eye. The wire gave it a rustic vibe with the paper. I love birds so I put a feather in it.
Brock K
Artist Statement
Brock K
McDonald's farm 2022
Camera-less photography
Canvas paper

I decided to put the glass in the corner to cast a shadow on the rest and I placed the mesh to make a cool triangle pattern in the other corner.
Claudia F
Artist Statement
Claudia F
Beach view 2022
Camera-less photography
Canvas paper and Gold Street Studio cyanotype chemicals

My artwork was inspired by a day at the beach, relaxing in the sun with sand between your toes, listening to waves crashing and seagulls squawking.
Chelsea R
Artist Statement
Chelsea R
White Feather 2022
Camera-less photography
Cartridge paper, feather, leaves & gold street studio cyanotype chemical

I chose this piece because I love how the feather was so bold. After reflecting from my last artworks, this piece amazed me; my images were clear and the colours stood out.
Evie S
Artist Statement
Evie S
Nature's secret
Camera-less photography

My art piece was inspired by nature's beauty and all its hidden secrets. It's faint but shows to me that it's still in bloom, learning as it grows as we do.
Heath C
Artist Statement
Heath C
Blue and Bold 2022
Camera-less photography
Canvas paper, cyanotype chemicals

I made this piece because I enjoy making cyanotype art pieces and I like the objects I chose. I think that it shows form and a little shadow.
Issy R
Artist Statement
Issy R
Love fades away 2022
Camera-less photography
Canvas paper

I chose to name and design my art piece like this because you can see the hearts only very faintly so that is why I named it "Love fades away". This work reminds me of when you miss someone or when someone you love isn’t there with you anymore.
Taya M
Artist Statement
Taya M
Taya's art work 2022
Camera-less photography
paper, leaves, light bulb, chemicals and water

I liked my art work. I started by finding things to make it. I saw a leaf and a light bulb and I sort of had a fiddle around with them. The light bulb was stuck in the tree and it sort of looked charming so I knew that's what I wanted to do. It turned out looking like this.
Pepper B
Artist Statement
Pepper B
Sweet treat 2022
Camera-less photography
Canvas paper, Gold Street Studio cyanotype chemical, lace fabric, fake flowers, bent fork and perfume bottle

I wanted a Victorian theme, so I grabbed some lace, a bent fork and a perfume bottle. I just placed them randomly but letting the lace have the spotlight. I had the fork and the fake flowers for a date/picnic vibe. I Googled Victorian picnics and read that they would always have sweets. The picture just spoke picnic to me. Having the lace reminded me of a Victorian dress and an old picnic rug. I also love sweets and the Victorian era.