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Skills Tasmania

Apprenticeship Network Providers (ANPs)

This information is for Apprenticeship Network Providers (ANP), also referred to as Australian Apprenticeship Support Network providers (AASN), contracted by the Australian Government to offer a free service to apprentices, trainees and employers to assist them with the sign-up and administration of a training contract and approval and processing of Australian Government incentives.

Employers and learners seeking more information on the role of an ANP including contact information should go here.

1Navigating the Tasmanian apprenticeship and traineeship system

Apprenticeship Network Providers (ANP) operating in Tasmania carry out a range of functions for the Tasmanian Government as part of their ANP contract.

The Guidelines for Apprenticeship Network Providers-preparing training contracts in Tasmania document provides information for ANP to assist them in the preparation, lodgement and subsequent management of training contracts in accordance with the requirements of Tasmanian legislation and policy. The Guideline provides information to support ANP staff access up-to-date processes to help in the sign-up process and all other changes throughout the training contract.

Guidelines for Apprenticeship Network Providers preparing training contracts [PDF 93KB]

In addition, there are also the Tasmanian Traineeship and Apprenticeship Committee (TTAC) Policies and Guidelines that provide the ‘rules’ around the Tasmanian system.  All training contract sign ups need to be aware of their obligations to comply with these policies, so ANP staff should be familiar with this document

2Qualifications approved and funded in Tasmania

The Qualifications approved and funded in Tasmania page will assist you to understand what training is available in Tasmania, including what qualifications are currently subsidised by the Tasmanian Government.

3ANPs operating in Tasmania

There are currently two ANP operating in Tasmania:

Other ANP may provide services to national employers. Check the Australian Apprenticeships website if the ANP you are looking for is not listed above.

4New Apprenticeship Scholarship Program

The New Apprenticeship Scholarship program (NASP) has been implemented to support eligible apprentices and trainees in North West Tasmania undertake their apprenticeship or traineeship.

The program provides grants of $2 000 for new workers who are over 18yrs old.

The Program Guide can be found here. Apprentice application form can be found here.

For further information about the program go here.

Apprenticeship Network Providers (ANPs)

Need further information?

To refer an issue with an existing training contract to Skills Tasmania, please contact the Workforce Training Consultancy service. AASN Provider staff are expected to refer any issues between the parties to the training contract that indicates the apprenticeship or traineeship is at risk or that Tasmanian legislation or policies are not being met.

If you have a query in relation to an administrative matter or registration of a training contract, please contact the Training Agreements team on (03) 6165 6055 or by email at