Men of Character
Since 1911

Faith and Leadership

It is a privilege for us to walk alongside our young men on their respective faith journeys.

Our Catholic and Marist special character is fostered under the Centre of Faith and Leadership, which encompasses our Encounter Programmes, Leadership, Service and Social, Justice and our Community Liturgical Life.

Growing Young Men

Each boy who comes our way is a taonga, a gift given to us to steward, treasure, and pass on in better condition than we received him.

Drawing on our Marist characteristics, we aim to develop men of outstanding character with strong minds and gentle hearts. We have a deliberate focus on educating the whole person through high-quality pastoral and guidance systems that are supported by virtues and character education programmes.

Exceptional Real-World Learning

Each boy who walks through the St Bede’s gates is unique, talented, and full of potential.

From day one we know where each boy is positioned on the learning journey, and we meet him there.

Living At St Bede’s

St Bede’s College is a South Island Catholic boys’ boarding school with a long-standing tradition of providing quality boarding school education, dating back to the 1920s.

Our boys come from many different parts of New Zealand and around the world and benefit from our home away from home experience. Being part of the St Bede’s boarding community is a lifelong experience, as the Bedean spirit stays with you long after you leave.

Our Community

The strong culture of St Bede’s College encourages a sense of community that extends beyond current students to include all past and present students, staff, and their families.

We are proud of the valuable connections we make and maintain throughout and beyond the school years and work to support these Bedean networks. 

St Bede’s Global

Global connections in learning, faith, and culture have been enriching the lives of St Bede’s students, past and present, for more than 100 years.

At St Bede’s, we believe that learning knows no boundaries. Our commitment to global education extends far beyond the walls of our classrooms, encompassing a diverse array of experiences that broaden horizons and foster a deep appreciation for cultural diversity.

Men of Character Since 1911