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MPRPS ~ Parent Survey

MPRPS has been using Mappen to support and facilitate its Guided Inquiry units, along with the requirements outlined in the Victorian Curriculum, a comprehensive document all Victorian schools use to guide their teaching and learning. As a part of this review, the school is currently looking at how it uses Mappen and is asking parents for general feedback on the Inquiry Units.

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* 1. Rank the eight Mappen units in order of preference. 1 being most preferred and 8 least preferred.

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* 2. What other subjects, beyond Literacy and Numeracy would you like your child to learn at school?

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* 3. The Victorian Curriculum includes 4 capabilities that are taught across all subjects. Please rank these in order of importance, 1 being most preferred and 4 least preferred.

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* 4. Are there any other comments you would like to make in regards to the Guided Inquiry units at MPRPS?

0 of 4 answered