Bajool - Port Alma Road, pavement widening and improve safety

Pavement widening and safety works on the Bajool-Port Alma Road has improved the productivity, resilience and safety of the Port Alma connection to the Bruce Highway.

The project upgraded Bajool – Port Alma Road, a key freight route to the south-east of Rockhampton, delivered widening and safety works.

Bajool - Port Alma Road services the Port of Gladstone and is part of the Queensland Key Freight Route Network that supports developments in the Bowen and Galilee Basins.

Bajool-Port Alma Road is also a HAZMAT Class 1 explosive freight and ammonium nitrate route.

Upgrading this road improved safety and productivity, especially for the heavy vehicles that regularly use this route.


  • Improves safety
  • Contributes to regional growth
  • Better road access
  • Increases capacity
  • Improves network efficiency
  • Reduces maintenance
  • Improves ride quality
  • Reduces travel time

Key features

  • Widened the pavement width.
  • Increased accessibility by removing targeted power poles adjacent to the road, by undergrounding powerlines.
  • Improved safety by adjusting road alignment and removing roadside hazards.


The project was jointly funded by the Australian and Queensland governments under the Northern Australian Roads Program. Investment ID 318028

Total investment
$14.5 million
Australian Government
$11.6 million
Queensland Government
$2.9 million

Current status

Completed August 2023.