Published August 24, 2021 | Version v1
Dataset Open

Accompanying dataset for: "IBEX: An iterative immunolabeling and chemical bleaching method for high-content imaging of diverse tissues"


These datasets were acquired using either the manual or automated IBEX multiplex imaging protocols and accompany the manuscript “IBEX: An iterative immunolabeling and chemical bleaching method for high-content imaging of diverse tissues”, A. Radtke et al., 2021, Nature Protocols.

All image data are stored using the Imaris file format. To view these multi-channel images, you can either use one of these free viewers, Imaris viewer, Fiji.

Each experiment has an associated imaging meta-data file in xlsx format and the resulting image in Imaris format.

Human Jejunum (Automated)

Dataset is a 24 parameter IBEX experiment performed on a human jejunum section labeled with the nuclear marker Hoechst and antibodies directed against the indicated markers. Images were acquired using an inverted Thunder 3D Cell Culture microscope with a high precision (Quantum) stage, a high quantum efficiency sCMOS camera (DFC9000 GTC), and a 40x (1.3) NA oil objective. The light source was an LED8 with 8 individual LED lines for excitation with millisecond triggering. All images were captured at a 16-bit depth with the following pixel dimensions: x (0.160 μm), y (0.160 μm), and z (1 μm). Images were tiled and merged using the LAS X Navigator software (LAS X

Human Kidney (Automated)

Dataset is a 16 parameter IBEX experiment performed on a human kidney Formalin-Fixed Paraffin-Embedded (FFPE) section labeled with the nuclear marker Hoechst and antibodies directed against the indicated markers. Images were acquired using an inverted Thunder 3D Cell Culture microscope with a high precision (Quantum) stage, a high quantum efficiency sCMOS camera (DFC9000 GTC), and a 40x (1.3) NA oil objective. The light source was an LED8 with 8 individual LED lines for excitation with millisecond triggering. All images were captured at a 16-bit depth with the following pixel dimensions: x (0.160 μm), y (0.160 μm), and z (1 μm). Images were tiled and merged using the LAS X Navigator software (LAS X

Human Lymph Node (Automated)

Dataset is a 25 parameter IBEX experiment performed on a human lymph node section labeled with the nuclear marker Hoechst and antibodies directed against the indicated markers. Images were acquired using an inverted Thunder 3D Cell Culture microscope with a high precision (Quantum) stage, a high quantum efficiency sCMOS camera (DFC9000 GTC), and a 40x (1.3) NA oil objective. The light source was an LED8 with 8 individual LED lines for excitation with millisecond triggering. All images were captured at a 16-bit depth with the following pixel dimensions: x (0.160 μm), y (0.160 μm), and z (1 μm). Images were tiled and merged using the LAS X Navigator software (LAS X

Human Skin (Automated)

Dataset is an 18 parameter IBEX experiment performed on a human skin section labeled with the nuclear marker Hoechst and antibodies directed against the indicated markers. Images were acquired using an inverted Thunder 3D Cell Culture microscope with a high precision (Quantum) stage, a high quantum efficiency sCMOS camera (DFC9000 GTC), and a 40x (1.3) NA oil objective. The light source was an LED8 with 8 individual LED lines for excitation with millisecond triggering. All images were captured at a 16-bit depth with the following pixel dimensions: x (0.160 μm), y (0.160 μm), and z (1 μm). Images were tiled and merged using the LAS X Navigator software (LAS X

Human Liver (Manual)

Dataset is a 22 parameter IBEX experiment performed on a human liver section labeled with the nuclear marker Hoechst and antibodies directed against the indicated markers. Images were acquired using an inverted Leica TCS SP8 X confocal microscope equipped with a 40X objective (NA 1.3), 4 HyD and 1 PMT detectors, a white light laser that produces a continuous spectral output between 470 and 670 nm as well as 405, 685, and 730 nm lasers. All images were captured at an 8-bit depth, with a line average of 3, and 1024x1024 format with the following pixel dimensions: x (0.284 µm), y (0.284 µm), and z (1 µm). Images were tiled and merged using the LAS X Navigator software (LAS X

Human Lymph Node (Manual)

Dataset is a 38 parameter IBEX experiment performed on a human lymph node section labeled with the nuclear marker Hoechst and antibodies directed against the indicated markers. Images were acquired using an inverted Leica TCS SP8 X confocal microscope equipped with a 40X objective (NA 1.3), 4 HyD and 1 PMT detectors, a white light laser that produces a continuous spectral output between 470 and 670 nm as well as 405, 685, and 730 nm lasers. All images were captured at an 8-bit depth, with a line average of 3, and 1024x1024 format with the following pixel dimensions: x (0.284 µm), y (0.284 µm), and z (1 µm). Images were tiled and merged using the LAS X Navigator software (LAS X

Human Spleen (Manual)

Dataset is a 25 parameter IBEX experiment performed on a human spleen section labeled with the nuclear marker Hoechst and antibodies directed against the indicated markers. Images were acquired using an inverted Leica TCS SP8 X confocal microscope equipped with a 40X objective (NA 1.3), 4 HyD and 1 PMT detectors, a white light laser that produces a continuous spectral output between 470 and 670 nm as well as 405, 685, and 730 nm lasers. All images were captured at an 8-bit depth, with a line average of 3, and 1024x1024 format with the following pixel dimensions: x (0.284 µm), y (0.284 µm), and z (1 µm). Images were tiled and merged using the LAS X Navigator software (LAS X


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