Payments for bereaved families

If you’re the dependant of a worker who has died due to a workplace accident or a dust disease, you may be entitled to support.

Payments for fully or partly dependent relatives can include funeral expenses, lump sum death benefits and weekly payments for each dependent child.

Benefits and payments

Current entitlements include:

  • a lump sum death benefit
  • payments for each dependent child
  • funeral expenses.

Differences in benefits may exist based on the date of the death and original injury.

For more information about what you could be entitled to receive, refer to the Workers Compensation benefits guide from the State Insurance Regulatory Authority (SIRA).

Funeral expenses

Currently, you can claim up to $15,000 for a range of costs associated with arranging a funeral such as:

  • funeral director fees
  • funeral service (including cremation or burial)
  • the coffin
  • mourning car
  • cemetery site
  • flowers
  • newspaper notice
  • death certificate
  • the cost of transporting the body of the deceased.

Deaths from dust disease

If a relative died from a dust disease-related illness that was contracted at work, dependent family members may be entitled to compensation. This may include a lump sum, weekly payments or funeral payments depending on their circumstances.

Payments for family members of workers with a dust disease